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What is Sexology?

It is the science that studies human sexuality, sexual behavior and its different manifestations, from the psychological and physiological point of view, including sexual identity, gender identity and sexual desire orientation of each individual.

It is exercised by a Sexologist who is a professional of psychology or medicine, with specialization in this field. At CAU we have the immense experience of Lic. Lucía Báez Romano in charge of the Sexology Service.

Sexologists are in charge of the sexuality of every human being, closely linked to their emotional life. Through listening, they can advise by offering alternatives to improve the difficulty that the patient presents and suggest focused sexual therapy to improve the dysfunctions detected in the consultation.

The most frequent consultations received in the office of Lic. Lucia Baez Romano are about premature ejaculation, orgasmic inability or anorgasmia, erectile dysfunction and decreased desire (the latter affects both men and women).

Sexology investigates the four phases of the sexual cycle: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution, in order to detect their causes and propose possible solutions for each patient.

It is important to note that the vast majority of sexual dysfunctions have a psychological origin or an ill-acquired behavior. Or they have a physiological origin that affects from the psychological, such as diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, among others.

Sexology is also in the care of people operated by some oncological disease, such as in men, prostate surgery and in women, gynecological surgery. Since we observe that the person affected by such surgery or in their case, by some other oncological treatment, it is difficult for them to initiate their sexual life.

From the sexology office we provide the necessary support and the space that the patient needs to talk honestly about intimate situations that usually cause embarrassment, pain or even fear. It is necessary that the person knows that there are professionals who are prepared to help him/her, that he/she is not alone and that very possibly his/her difficulty has a solution.

When is a sexological consultation recommended

When a man or a woman feels uncomfortable or uneasy about any issue related to their sexuality, either because of their sexual orientation, anxiety about relationships or lack of desire or any other reason that a person is not comfortable with their sex life, it is advisable to consult a specialist, in this case a sexologist. He/she will help you identify and treat the causes that generate such difficulty so that the person feels good again.

As this is an intimate and very personal issue, people are usually embarrassed to expose themselves to a stranger and tend to delay the consultation, which is counterproductive, since the problem can worsen over time and because the longer it takes to solve it, the more suffering the person and his partner, if he has one, will experience.

Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire Who to consult?

It is common that male sufferers or their partners do not know how to begin to deal with this issue. In premature ejaculation difficulties, erectile dysfunction disorders and lack of sexual desire, it is extremely important to identify whether it is a physiological or psychological problem or both. A first consultation with a Urologist is recommended to rule out physiological pathologies. In most cases, these difficulties are usually of psychological origin, so after making sure with the medical consultation (urologist) that they are not the result of medical causes, it is recommended to consult with the sexology section.

Sexology will analyze and then look for the origin of the disorder that the person suffers. For example, in cases of erectile dysfunction, it is usually closely related to anxiety. Generally related to previous experiences in which there has been some circumstantial episode and that same anxiety produces a dysfunction.

When the causes are identified, there are therapeutic tools used by sexologists that help the patient to reverse the current situation.


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