El HPV en el hombre

The HPV in men

El HPV en el hombre es actualmente una de las infecciones de transmisión sexual más frecuentes. Se estima que afecta a entre el 1-2% de la población sexualmente activa. Aunque la mayoría de las infecciones suelen presentarse en personas de mediana edad, en los hombres también es común la adquisición del virus, lo que refleja tanto los hábitos sexuales como la inmunidad adquirida. En muchos casos, las infecciones se resuelven de forma espontánea, aunque es posible la reinfección con diferentes tipos del virus. El HPV en el hombre puede ser asintomático, pero en algunos casos puede derivar en complicaciones como verrugas genitales o, en situaciones menos frecuentes, ciertos tipos de cáncer.

Note Dr. Horacio Sanguinetti, médico especialista en urología.
By Dr. Horacio Sanguinetti
20-12-2022 | 14:07

The transmission is mainly by sexual contact. The incubation period is usually of characteristic form between 1 to 3 months until the appearance of genital warts, although it can be up to 6 months after contact. The majority of patients referred to clinical history, the emergence of new sexual partners. These lesions can be observed in any mucous membrane, although the most frequent are in the glans penis, perianal region, and even in the mouth (due to oral sex).

The virus, however, it is also able to remain in a latent state within the epithelial cells for extended periods of time. Thus, the infection may persist without being detected, even by years. Various studies estimate that the rate of subclinical infection by HPV may be as high as 40 percent, and this is demonstrated by the identification of viral samples positive by performing the analysis of DNA from genital skin, apparently not infected.

Las verrugas visibles son el motivo de consulta más frecuente, aunque no ocasionan dolor ni molestias. El verdadero peligro de este virus es cuando se asienta en el cuello del útero, en donde evoluciona al cáncer de manera rápida. En el pene, puede terminar con lesiones malignas, pero, habitualmente, existen otros factores como la fimosis, la mala higiene y la falta de controles médicos, que inciden para la aparición de este tipo de tumores.

One of the most effective measures to reduce this disease is the vaccine, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)of the united States, in 2006. As of 2011, it was included in the Immunization Schedule Mandatory Argentine and, currently, it is mandatory to the age of 11. The use of a condom is a very effective measure to prevent the spread of this virus, skin-to-skin. However, the virus can settle in areas not protected by the condom, so that the evidence is contradictory.

Once contracted, on the penis, there are a variety of treatments, whose goal is to eradicate the warts are visible, while many times he fails to be completely eliminated. There is a high rate of recurrence without having demonstrated a benefit in favor of any of the multiple therapeutic regimens, which are classified as those applied by the patient (podophyllin, imiquimod cream, and trichloroacetic acid, among others) and those managed by the health care provider (cryotherapy, surgery, conventional and laser).

In general, with small lesions can begin with the treatments are self-administered, whereas when dealing with multiple warts you prefer to make therapies more radical.

In conclusion, it is estimated that 20 million people are infected with HPV in the united States. This number grows as 6.2 million new individuals are infected each year and converted to HPV in sexually transmitted viral infection, most common throughout the world. Delivered to your evolution, has a high relationship with the cancer of the penis, although not a question of a unique requirement for its development. When presented with a penile injury must be given treatment and to consult the consultation of the couple at the gynecologist because of the increased risk is related to the cancer of neck of uterus.

Since his diagnosis, and treatment are relatively straightforward, the great challenge is to ensure that the most vulnerable can access the query to prevent its spread and progression to entities potentially risky.

The Dr. Horacio Sanguinetti es médico urólogo del Centro Argentino de Urología. 

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