Laser de Prostata

What is Laser Holep?

Laser HoLEP is the most advanced minimally invasive treatment exists to treat bph. HoLEP means Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate. So, whenever we refer to Laser HOLEP will be mentioning the Laser Holmium for Enucleation of the Prostate.

Láser Holep: Tratamiento avanzado, mínimamente invasivo

Is a laser which, by its ability of cutting and coagulation, is highlighted in the options for the definitive treatment of the enlarged prostate. This technique allows you to extract the tissue grown from the prostate intact in its entirety by its wavelength of 2200 nanometers, and this makes it possible to perform a biopsy on the extracted material. In this way, HoLEP allows you to analyze the extracted tissue to rule out or confirm the presence of cancer.

The prostate is an organ of the male reproductive system situated below the bladder. It is crossed in the center by the urethra so that urine leaves the bladder through the prostate.

The prostate gland has a capsule in its peripheral part surrounding the lobes enlarged. These lead to the obstruction closing the light of the initial portion of the urethra at the exit of the bladder.

With the technique HoLEP we introduce an endoscope through the urethra. The same advances to observe the obstruction produced by the lobes of the prostate enlarged shut the light of the urethra.

What are the advantages of laser HOLEP?

  • HoLEP is a treatment that provides immediate relief of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • It is a definitive treatment for prostate hypertrophy. The result in the long run is successful. Provides high durability after the treatment.
  • You can try any prostate regardless of its size, whether it is small or large. Unlike other types of laser, the laser HOLEP allows you to treat prostates of great size. Even those 300grs. that usually resolve with surgery open to the sky and now with robotic surgery.
  • As in the surgery to open sky, all of the material removed is analyzed to establish the nature of the growth of the prostate. But, unlike open surgery, does not require incision and the tube is necessary to keep it only 24 hours.
  • You only need 1 day of admission and the procedure takes two to three hours, depending on the size of the gland.
  • Patients can return to their normal activities within 48 hours.
  • The seven days since may resume your sex life with normality.
  • Unlike the other techniques with laser, the HoLEP has no symptoms irritative urination.
  • The reduction of the tissue measured by ultrasound after surgery HoLEP is 80%. The other techniques with laser only reduce the size by 30%.
  • HoLEP is a technique that provides the benefits of reducing the bleeding without the need for transfusions.
  • Eliminates the complication of the syndrome of the transurethral resection syndrome (TUR, since it uses saline solution.
  • Allows you to operate on patients treated with anticoagulants.
  • This all leads to, this procedure is virtually suitable for all patients who are able to receive anesthesia.

Proven results

A study by the European Center of Urology has shown that 92% of the operated patients, after six years, they were satisfied or very satisfied with the results. Only 1.4% had to resort to a reoperation. While in patients treated with the technique of transurethral resection conventional rate of reoperation is 8% to 6 years. This difference is achieved thanks to an extraction more complete adenoma obstructive achieved by the laser HOLEP.

Places it above other invasive techniques for long-term results.

Where operated with laser HOLEP in Argentina?

The laser HOLEP was brought to Argentina by the urologist Norberto Bernardo, Jefe del Servicio de Urología del Hospital de Clínicas, Jefe del Servicio de Urología de la Clínica San Camilo y Jefe del Servicio de Urología del CENTRO ARGENTINO DE UROLOGÍA. El Dr. Bernardo, luego de haberse entrenado en Estados Unidos y Europa, hoy se destaca por su desempeño como desarrollador y capacitador de esta técnica en nuestro país. Razón que lo ha convertido en el único referente de Laser HOLEP en Sudamérica, motivo por el cual la empresa Lumenis, fabricante del láser, lo ha designado para el entrenamiento y capacitación de urólogos latinoamericanos y de nuestro país en toda la región.

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