Kinesiology of the pelvic floor

The Service of Physiotherapy of the pelvic floor is a key area for the Service of Urology.

The members of the service are able to offer the best treatments, accompanied by the latest technology and driven by her ability to listen and empathize with those who are in need of them in order to solve different problems.

The aim of the Physiotherapy of the pelvic Floor is to prevent and treat pathologies related to the base of the pelvis, the muscles of this structure to protect and provide support to the pelvic organs to be affected by both the functions of urinary tract, the defecatorias and also the sexual life of the people.

Las mismas se presentan ante situaciones como, por ejemplo: pérdidas de orina (incontinencia urinaria), caída de los órganos pélvicos (prolapsos), prostatiti (inflamación en próstata) o un dolor pélvico crónico, así como también disfunciones sexuales, entre otras patologías.

Currently in CAU we have licensed in Kinesiology and Physiatry trained and specialized in treating pathologies of the pelvic floor.

En esta área de la rehabilitación, los hombres pueden desarrollar problemáticas asociadas a la próstata. Debido a que esta importante glándula tiene relación directa con la musculatura del suelo pélvico, cuando está se ve afectada por alguna patología, el trabajo interdisciplinario entre médicos urólogos y fisioterapeutas cumple un rol fundamental para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente, desde un cáncer de próstata, hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), Prostatitis, disfunción eréctil entre otros.

Within the pathologies of the pelvic floor the woman has a higher degree of probability that the man to develop problems in this area. A lot has to do with the anatomy more open in the pelvis, so it can be a drop or pelvic organs prolapse. The pathology treated is the loss of urine involuntarily or also called urinary incontinencethis can be manifested by various causes, pregnancy, type of delivery, menopause, obesity, pelvic surgeries, parity, and/or high-impact activities.

Dentro de nuestro equipo de fisioterapeutas en suelo pélvico, también contamos con especialista en suelo pélvico en pediatría. Pudiendo abordar patologías como enuresi (incontinencia urinaria en los niños) estreñimiento, disfunción vesicoesfinteriana (síndrome de micción no coordinada) así como también pacientes con espina bífida, vejigas e intestinos neurogénicos, entre otros. El dolor pélvico tiene un carácter importante para nuestro equipo de salud. Este está considerado crónico cuando persiste de 3 a 6 meses, afectando a ambos sexos, abarcando no solo el área del periné, sino también el abdomen bajo, la espalda baja, zona glútea e inguinal, puede llegar hasta las piernas.

All the techniques that are applied in each treatment and physiotherapy are always individualized and will depend on the specific needs of each person. The re-education of the sphincters and improve the patient's quality of life is our goal as a health care team.

Between our techniques used are:


It is the first line of conservative treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction, it works especially after an evaluation where we obtain values of the musculature to be able to offer the patient a guide of exercises focused on the goal to achieve.


It is a team feedback through visual stimuli, auditory, and sensory received by the patient to be able to execute actions of the pelvic floor. Can in turn collect information about the pelvic floor and why it is not only a tool to work with different qualities, but also to evaluate.


It is a great ally for the rehabilitation, not only from the proprioception and information that is offered to the patient on the body awareness of your perineum. It is a potent recruiter of muscle fibers.

In CAU, also what we use to, the removal of the urinary catheter in patients with post-operative surgery of the prostate, we Also use EMSELLA as a desensitizer in patients with chronic pelvic pain.


Electric current stimulates the muscles.


Electrical current applied to the posterior tibial nerve for the purpose of treating bladder overactive and able to inhibit the activation of the detrusor muscle main muscle in urination and altered in this pathology.


From an episiotomy old to a scar of a prostatectomy is important to work to improve a problematic of the pelvic floor, You can use a variety of techniques, from manual therapy to improve the mobility of a tissue until dry needling with acupuncture needles or windy, we help release adhesions, the purpose of the different techniques is to improve the quality of the tissue and allow better passage of blood to the tissue to this nourished.


The balls are therapeutic are great allies at the time of rehabilitation, not only reduce the tension widespread or tone muscle of our patients, if not also used to train and improve the registration of the pelvic floor.


One of the pillars of traditional chinese medicine gives us another look therapeutics for pain and anxiety management to address pathologies of the pelvic floor.


Listen to habits, routines, practices, day-to-day, and the problem of the patient in daily life does not come up with scales of assessment backed strategies to improve habits of the same.

In CAU we also accompany our patients with protocols prior to their pelvic surgeries in order to strengthen the pelvic floor and to achieve an improvement in a post-surgical.

General, Kinesiology Adults, Procedures, Terapias

Comprehensive experience for the whole family.

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