Innovation in prostate biopsies
In the ARGENTINE CENTER OF UROLOGY we are convinced that innovation in new technologies on a daily basis to provide our patients the tools exclusive to help you regain your peace of mind and continue with the life you want to live.
We are the first CENTER in Argentina to incorporate this revolutionary system for prostate biopsies directed in real-time which allows our specialists to visualize the prostate with a resolution of 70 microns, or have a vision to 300% improved the resolution of the ultrasound image that is displayed in live, at the time of prostate biopsy. What that allows us to in a single intervention to treat all regions suspicious of the presence of the tumor.
The ultrasound microultrasonido ExactVu we provide the most effective solution as a new tool in our Center for our doctors urologists in the management of this technology to perform biopsies specific.
The frequency of this team of 29 MHz allows us to see details never seen before in any ultrasound image of the prostate, which makes it easier to detect suspicious areas in real time and to take a biopsy sample to send to analyze and understand the level of aggressiveness of prostate cancer, if any.
With an operating frequency of 29MHz, the resolution of the microultrasonido is comparable to that of magnetic resonance imaging and represents an improvement of 300% with respect to that of an ultrasound normal.
Who is the Microecografía?
We've built this team to all our patients who do not can be performed an MRI for various incompatibilities and for those who suffer from claustrophobia and can't bear the idea of entering a resonator to perform the MRI to check if there are any suspicious areas in the prostate.
To be able to check in real-time and with a vision to 300% better than a ultrasound conventional, we can perform a biopsy of the prostate sure, taking a sample of all the areas suspicious for sending to analyze.