Thermal therapy with water vapor

The Dr. Norberto Bernardo en el Centro Argentino de Urologia es el urólogo certificado en el tratamiento del agrandamiento prostático y pionero en Argentina en ofrecer el procedimiento de terapia térmica con vapor de agua como tratamiento para el agrandamiento de la próstata.

El sistema de terapia térmica con vapor de agua es una técnica mínimamente invasiva que está indicada para aliviar los síntomas, despejar obstrucciones y reducir el tejido prostático en el tratamiento del agrandamiento benigno de próstata (HBP) mayor de 30 gramos.

Terapia térmica con vapor de agua en el CAU

First procedure in Argentina with the system of thermal therapy using steam for the treatment of Benign Prostatic hyperplasia.

The system of thermal therapy with water vapor uses radiofrequency energy to generate thermal energy “wet” in the form of water vapor, which is injected through the urethra in the transition zone of the prostate tissue in controlled doses of 9 seconds.

The steam that is injected into the prostate tissue is rapidly dispersed by the interstitial space between the cells. In contact with the tissue, the steam cools and condenses, releasing heat energy stored, which denatures the cell membranes and cause cell death. The cells so denatured are absorbed by the body, which reduces the volume of prostate tissue adjacent to the urethra. The process of condensation of the vapor also causes a rapid collapse of the vasculature in the treatment area, resulting in an intervention without loss of blood. The reduction in size of the prostate is of 30% at 6 months of treatment is achieved when completing the result.


Preserving the male sexual function, without affecting the ejaculation or erection and it does not produce incontinence of urine. Is performed without general anesthesia. It is a fast procedure and minimally invasive (between 30 minutes and an hour). It is a treatment outpatient and hospitalization is not necessary. The recovery is fast. Decreases discomfort with urination and increases the strength of the urinary stream.


For men with urinary symptoms, mild or moderate (weak stream, and choppy, delay to start urination, getting up multiple times a night to urinate, dribbling at the end of urination, urgency, and leakage of urine) that wish to avoid medications that can cause side effects such as retrograde ejaculation (dry orgasm), and hospitalizations. Suitable for patients with prostatas over 30 grams and under 80 grams, as well as for those who do not tolerate the medication to the prostate.


Previous studies conducted in the united States with a follow-up of 5 years have shown that the improvement of the symptoms and the increase of the force of the jet is maintained at least during that time and that only 3-5% of cases have required re-treatment after 3 years.

Side effects

The side effects that can be seen are local, low-intensity and disappear in a few days, being the most frequent:

  • Dysuria (difficulty urinating): 18%
  • Hematuria (blood in urine): 11,7%
  • Hematospermia (blood in semen): 6,4%
  • Acute urinary retention: 6%
  • Urgency to urinate: 5%

Surgeries, Procedures, Terapias, Urology Men

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